LAI Free Demonstration
See the power of Lean Agile Intelligence for yourself with this free demonstration
Service Description
In this session learn how LAI can add value in each of the following areas: Focus on Outcomes: Our platform enables organizations and teams, to assess, improve, and measure the capabilities that are most critical to their success, tailored to their specific context and goals. Flexibility: A wide variety of Multi-level Out-of-the-Box assessments are offered, but if they don't fit your unique needs, templates, and capabilities can be customized to ensure the assessments create value-add. Multi-Level Insights: Aggregate results reveal key patterns impeding value delivery that can be tackled at scale and enable data-driven decision-making. Improvement Actions: Structured assessment criteria and extensive learning resources drive actionable steps toward value delivery. Facilitator Enablement: No certification required! Our intuitive interface and guided facilitation is all facilitators need to keep it simple, and be successful.